At 19 July 2024, ISI and Embassy of India held a event talking about Decoding India's Global Rise: Foreign Policy Choice. A Talk by Manish Chand. ISI Executive Director. Dr. Curie (@1000walkie) together with Manish Chand served as speakers and Ambassador of India to Indoensia (@sandiplomat) acting as moderator.
Manish Chand discussed India's potential to solidify its foreign policy among the top third world superpowers (USA, China and Russia). He emphasized the India's aspiration to embrace multipolar, multitelarism and multi-aligned approach foreign policy. Alignrd with this view, Dr Curie, emphasized India's immense potential both in soft and hard power. She also add the importance of communciation and diplomacy, especially toward south east nation for better collaboration.
Manish Chand is a founder and the CEO of the Center for Global Insights (CGII), a think tank dedicated to international affairs and analyzing India's emergence as a major global player.